Friday, December 14, 2012

Day 2

Well to start off..... I have mixed feelings about Day 2.  This is due in part to the very different nature of the day at its different times.  More on that in a few minutes, but first I have to explain my mindset and how it shifted all day.  (DISCLAIMER:  my mind is very REM deprived currently, so I forgive my spelling and sentence structure).

So yesterday, I finished typing my blog around 5:45 ish.  After that time, I simply watched an episode of a tv series and finally got to the nap.  Upon waking from the nap, I was decently awake.  This would have been around 9ish and I believe that my normal circadian rythym was taking hold and giving me an insane second wind.  I felt very good!  In fact, I felt insanely pumped up till 4 in the afternoon.  I remember specifically looking at a good friend that had stayed the night and slept on the couch.  He had stayed up with me till around 4AM and ended up not getting up till around 1:50 PM.  He was that tired.  My excited mind was literally saying things like, "look at the waste of time laying there!"  "Typical Monophasic Sleeper".  ha ha  I just continued to function while he slept for most of the time.  I did all kinds of things to pass the time by, and really enjoyed it too!  Something was wrong......  This is too easy!  way too easy!!!  I am not having any issues doing this.  I have been up for multiple cycles and I am feeling just fine.  [This sums up my day thoughts]  Here is a snapshot of my sleep cycle statistics for my day.  This is practically the same for each nap.
As you can see, we have a few issues from both sides of the spectrum.  (1.  I am getting REM like I normally do when I first fall asleep.  It is not much, but it is REM.  This is not allowing me to starve from withdrawal from REM as simply as it should be....  More on that in a second.  (2.  My sleep cycle has not adjusted from its normal function.  I  am getting DEEP sleep (the beginning of a sleep cycle [90 min]).  This is actually a two fold problem that I am dealing with now.

I still have too much REM in my system.  My body is not compensating yet, but seems to have a good, plentiful reserve (in viewing REM like a rechargeable battery).  Also, I am getting little chunks of REM to add to that reserve.  This is allowing me to feel on top of the world, and yet not accomplish anything.  This also leads to the problem that happened earlier this morning.  :(  Feeling on top of my game, I visited a friend's house to chill with the guys, say hi, and shoot a music video.  I allocated the nap for their house and had a room set up with the qualifications for me to sleep there.  DARK, QUIET, secluded. etc.  I allocated time to unwind, but my mind was not settling down.  I was not tired.  I was feeling good.  So, when I took my nap, I never fell asleep.  Yes, it could have been the strange room, or the excitement of friends, but I truly believe that it was also the fact that I was not tired.  I was even bragging about it!  So, though I rested for that nap, I got no sleep at all.  This drug me down for the next cycle.

The next cycle was horribly wrong.  I had issues making it to the checkpoint.  I made it there, but it took all of my will to keep from drifting.  I was exhausted and my mind was ready for rest.  This was good for the project, but bad for my body and will.  I had to battle getting up to do this blog.  My mind was elusive and I had to take in the situation before I realized that I had woken up and needed to kill the alarm and turn on my BRIGHT LIGHT to shock my eyes into realization of wake time.... (this also helps your circadium rythyms to set by using light to be your "I'm awake, or I'm asleep stages"  The Pineal gland is involved with this as it is  involved with sensing light and therefore influencing melatonin.  I am feeling better as I type this blog now, but I am afraid that my sleepiness will return with a vengeance if i do not get straight REM sometime soon.  My will is strong, but even that is masked by fatigue and the onset of mental opaqueness!  I have started a video game, but believe that I may have to put that aside since it does not have enough physical interaction to keep me busy.  Or maybe that was just the missed nap issue!

I have finally developed a cough.  With my body, I seldom get sick due to a auto-immune disease that I have.  Since my body is always on high alert, most intruders get killed in the crossfire of immune response.  When I don't sleep properly, my immune system suffers greatly and I get coughs and other symptoms of sickness.  And if not corrected, I will have bacteria cultures in my body's "normal flora" (normal bacteria groups, in check with each other, that normally live in me) that may overtake an opportunistic  infection in my weakness.  I only have the cough now and hopefully this will be the final extent (Lord willing) though I know that I am susceptible right now for just about anything.

Lastly on my rant tonight, I have noticed that my metabolism has slowed down to compensate for the overall function of my body over the new 22 hour period day.  This is evident in my lack of hunger and my bodies colder temperature (to me) (this could be actual colder temp of my body or higher temp of my body so I feel the outside air as cold).  I have had to use blankets and coats to keep myself warm.  And as anyone that knows me understands, I NEVER WEAR COATS OR BLANKETS!  I am the type of guy who wears shorts and a T-shirt year round with little issue.  It is odd to have to have things warm me.  I feel like a normal, weak human being (just kidding people). Between getting sickly and getting cold, I am experiencing a lot of things that I am not used to.

In my research, the other factor that could happen would be the metabolism staying the same.  This sounds good, but causes the body to actually run normal for longer periods.  The side effect to this situation is having to increase your calorie intake to match the new demands on the body.  Maybe each body reacts differently and mine chose to slow down.  Or maybe, it is still adjusting to this concept, since I am still just getting into the situation.  We will find out soon enough.  Hope you enjoyed Day 2.  Now I just pray that my will for Day 3 is strong enough to get me over the hump of REM rebound!  Until Then.

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